Rosacea Treatments

Rosacea is a common skin condition that is commonly diagnosed in adults in the middle years of life. The condition usually begins with flushing across the face and moves into other painful symptoms that become much more difficult to treat. Although rosacea is a common problem, it can be a painful and embarrassing one. No one knows for sure what causes the condition, and there is no cure to date. However, there are effective rosacea treatments that can successfully control the uncomfortable symptoms and improve the appearance of the skin.

Symptoms of Rosacea

There are many different symptoms of rosacea, and they can vary greatly from individual to individual. The condition often begins as a redness that moves across the cheeks and looks like a sunburn. This rash is generally followed by pimples and pus-filled bumps, which can become quite painful. Another common symptom of rosacea is tiny red lines, or blood vessels, appearing on the surface of the skin. In some cases, rosacea will affect the nose by creating a thick, red skin called rhinophyma. This symptom occurs more often in men than women. Some patients report other symptoms like stinging, inflammation and sensitivity of the skin. It is generally seen in people with fair skin and it can run in families. Rosacea treatments will address specific symptoms, rather than the underlying cause of the condition.

Rosacea Treatments

The best rosacea treatments will depend in part on the symptoms the patient is currently dealing with. The most effective rosacea treatments will address the pimples and pus-filled bumps that often appear after the rash. These symptoms are often treated with topical or oral antibiotics or a combination of the two. If the redness and stinging is too intense, topical solutions may not be able to be used right away. Oral antibiotics also care a degree of risk and side effects, and use should be discussed with a doctor before a decision to use them is made.

Visible blood vessels often don't respond well to antibiotic rosacea treatments, and are sometimes addressed with a laser procedure, known as pulsed dye laser therapy, which is performed by a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. A surgical procedure may also be required to correct rhynophyma. In the case of antibiotic rosacea treatments, positive results may be seen in as little as two months. If a surgical procedure is done, results may be seen more quickly than that, depending on the recovery time.

Rosacea Prevention

Sometimes rosacea treatments also incorporate prevention procedures to help keep future flare ups at bay. There are certain factors that appear to exacerbate a rosacea condition, such as exposure to the sun, hot drinks, alcohol, stress and extreme temperature. Avoiding these rosacea triggers may help keep flare ups to a minimum. Proper skin care is also essential for rosacea patients, so it is important to talk to a dermatologist about the proper way to care for rosacea-prone skin and follow the regimen carefully.

Rosacea is a painful, embarrassing problem with no known cure at this time. However, rosacea treatments can effectively reduce the symptoms and prevention measures can keep future flare-ups at bay.